Monday, September 23, 2013

Balloons and tunes and the tethered ride

This year for the balloons and tunes festival, Amara decided she wanted to take a balloon ride.  The girls are (of course) too small for a real ride, but the festival is a great place to go up 30-50 ft. in the air, look around, and take it all in.
We waited, and WAITED, for close to an hour--but I hoped the girls would last--Cora seemed really excited too.  Slowly but surely, they inflated and tethered the balloons and finally it was our turn.

We took off across the infield to the balloon at the back, we were given instructions about how to get in and out, about the ropes, etc. and before we knew it, we were in and going up!  The sound was LOUD and the fire was hot on our backs. Cora was a bit scared, but Amara did a great job making her feel ok.  As soon as it all started, we were up and at the top of our tether!

It was a bit like being up on the top of a ferris wheel, but higher.  We hovered up there for a few seconds, bobbed up and down, and then just like that, the ride was over.

It was a bit like being up on the top of a ferris wheel, but higher.  We hovered up there for a few seconds, bobbed up and down, and then just like that, the ride was over.
We headed to the bounce houses for some other activities, grabbed a slice of pizza, then headed out to follow some balloons on the way home.

The wind actually wasn't cooperating (too windy) so not many of them took off, but they sure were beautiful and we had a great time at the event!

Amara's first football game (cheer)

Yesterday was Amara's first football game.  I can't believe I have a cheerleader!!  She has been so excited for cheer the last several weeks with practice, then starting with their poms and megaphone and now her uniform--the day is finally here!
We had to be at the field at 10 for player introductions.  All the parents and family line up and make a tunnel for her to come running through.  They introduce all teams, football and cheer--and when we heard her team, the Starbursts, we all got ready.

There she came through the Upward banner, with a big smile on her face and pompoms in hand.

After that, it was over to the field. Her squad is only 5, so it's small and manageable and the parents all get to sit close.  She did cartwheels on and off the field, and recited her cheers, watching the coaches all the way.

Cheer after cheer she did her routines and seemed like she was really enjoying herself. She did run off the field a time or two to hug Cora or get a drink, but she really did well.

At half time, they performed a routine they have been practicing then got a big break.  She and Grandpa and Grandma Jahn got everyone some snacks and drinks--it was HOT for 10 in the morning in September!

After game time, you could see she was tired, but she had fun and was excited for sure.  Pictures are today--i'm sure that will be daddy and I's first photo badges, but not the last.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

table and chairs: Sunday afternoon project

Mrs. Sarah had 'donated' this table and chairs to us after several failed attempts to get rid of it. We actually used it in the barn for Amara's birthday party, and then it sat for months.  One day, I got the idea to paint it black--to take some of the TJ's country place look out of it, and then rough it back up and I have to say it looks pretty good this way!

Eric was really getting into the sanding part. We only did 4 chairs and the table--since we have the build in seating, we really didn't need it and some of the chairs need repair anyway, so this was perfect! The orphan table will find a home when our kitchen is done, I don't have to buy a table, and it doesn't look like Bob Evans in my kitchen, SCORE!

pool time

as summer came to an end, we found ourselves with a little more time and a very warm pool in town.  Grandma Jahn took the girls and Garhett to the pool one day and they had so much fun, I wanted to get a few more visits in before the end of the season.
Labor Day weekend, we took the girls to the pool on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  It was warm and not busy and we packed snacks and drinks and had a great time. It's expensive--not at all like when we were kids, but they really had fun.  

When it was time to go, even after just two swim periods, the girls were tired and didn't really fight leaving.  The last day though, was kind of sad, we were some of the last guests there and they were packing up the chairs to go--it was pretty empty.

The sun was just peeking out from behind the clouds, it was really a beautiful, warm day, and we can't wait to go back next year and swim with our big pool girls again!

daddy's birthday (first at Denton)

Daddy is the first lucky one to have his birthday at Denton now that we are full-fledged moved in.   However, still having no kitchen, we headed to our standby asian-fusion hibachi restaurant for dinner.  The girls were good, but it was Friday, so we headed home for cupcakes and some rest for the big weekend ahead.
Eric's whole family came down. There was bocce, a campfire cookout (yes, in august) the kids played together, and we enjoyed the most of the day and Eric that we could.
The girls decorated daddy's cake themselves--a very custom cake i might add, and it was delicious!!

Daddy opened his presents, and the kids played some more, while the grandparents toured the house to examine any more work that had been done on the renovations.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Goodbye Copper Ct.

We closed on the sale of Copper Ct. on August 30, 2013 in the afternoon.  But before hand, Eric and I took one last stroll around the house we loved for just under three years.   The house where we brought Cora home from the hospital, had our first garage sale, watched Amara start to blossom and plant our first raspberries.  We are sad.

We hosted cookie day parties with caroling and birthday parties that were amazing, we watched salt trucks and dump trucks race up and down Buckeye parkway from the dining room table, and who can forget the myriad of EMS, fire, and police vehicles at that intersection (and I know Eric loved the late night drag races of vehicles without mufflers).

We had 15 foot tall Christmas trees that went on forever and held a million ornaments, where the girls could decorate it for a month and still never be done.

That house holds a very special place in our lives for a million reasons and we miss it, all of us.  When Cora gets tired, she goes to the car and says "want to go home," --and I know she means her room at Copper Ct., even though we've been at Denton six weeks and it breaks my heart.

Amara tells me regularly that she misses the old house--but is quick to say that she doesn't want to go back there, even when I've offered.  He new room is amazing, but she is a softy like me, and even though it makes me cry, I'm glad she tells me.

I got cold feet right before closing on the sale, but everyone convinced me that we need to move forward, not look back--and truly the sale of that amazing house has allowed us to remodel and love this new house without any financial burdens, so that in itself is incredible.

I will miss not being close to things, friends, sidewalks, and so many other things, but I know we will have a million new memories to make at our new, old house too.

We ended up selling the house to friends of my friend Kourtney, from DFAS--who is halfway around the world right now, so I have to think it was meant to be.  She asked for all the window treatments, but at closing, Eric asked for the girls curtains, I can keep them--in case they want them someday.

Cora likely won't remember Copper, like Amara doesn't remember Schuylar.  Amara might remember some of it--I was about her age when my parents moved from the Seeds rd. house and I remember it.  Hopefully when they do, if they do, they remember all the fun times in the playroom, racing around that massive house, fun bath times, and a great family inside that house.

Goodbye Copper ct.  We love you.

Cora graduatng Bear Cubbies!

After a mere six week run, Cora is already a bear-cub graduate!  She eagerly looked forward to "gymnastics" each week, playing with the other kids and especially trampoline time with Mrs. Lisa. and getting a tiny tootsie roll at the end of each class.

We start back up in the fall, and i'm sure she will love it--especially as it gets colder and darker. Her favorites might be the balance beam and the bar.  She's so coordinated that she loves to hang and swing and almost never loses her balance! She's really amazing to watch!

Daddy-daughter date night, Chik Fil A

Chik Fil A hosts a daddy-daugter date night I think twice a year, and this year was the perfect time for us--considering we have no kitchen :)

The girls wore their pretty summer dresses and daddy came right from work, so they were a handsome and beautiful trio as we walked in!

I made the reservations for them and we showed up promptly at 5--the perfect time to eat and have a little time to play before gymnastics class.  

We got inside and Payton and Kennedy, our gymnastics friends, were already there with their dad John.  

The dads and girls enjoyed their meals and got to win some prizes too. It was such a sweet little evening and I hope the girls remember their special times together.

Farmer's Market

The Grove City Farmer's market is in full swing again and we of course headed up to snag a few treasures!   We always hit the strip and the girls found some cute bracelets to share, and then we spotted their favorite cheese stand, Blue Jacket Dairy, but it was different this time.  There was music.

It was a boy and a girls duo, each playing guitars.  They sat mesmerized.  The enjoyed their cheese curds and each took turns putting dollar bills in the kids guitar cases--they were MAYBE 16 years old, no more.  The girls would walk over and wave, or say hi to them, but they were in SUCH amazement, Eric and I just sat adoring their innocence.

I don't know if either of them have a future in music, but they really, REALLY love it.

Cora and daddy

Cora is wrapped around daddy's finger and vice-versa. She really does it to both of us, honestly.
Some nights, at bedtime, we're lucky enough to be in there together.  Even if it's because bedtime is difficult for some reason, I love getting to spend that quiet time with each of the girls alone.

Daddy will lie on the floor in her room sometimes if she's having trouble dozing off, but on this night, and i happened to be there, she wanted to lie on the floor WITH daddy. She snuggled up next to him just as close as she could and then became so, so calm. It was just beautiful.  I love and adore the bond they have.  It's amazing.

Amara is a Busy Bee now!

In the middle of August, Mrs. Christie approached us about moving Amara up to the Busy Bee room, from Ladybugs.  We have had a great run with the Ladybugs, but given the choice, Amara was THRILLED to be able to move up!  

Her teacher is Mrs. Shari and they still play with the Ladybugs at playtimes--but she is with the older kids now ;)

She will have some of her Ladybugs friends back after the end of the summer, so that will be an added bonus for her--but she was so excited to be in the big kid classroom now. 

Congratulations Amara, welcome to the Busy Bee room!