Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dog show

I can't even say "Dog Show" without thinking of the Molly Shannon and Wil Farrell SNL skit of the same name--which is disturbing and in itself dates me, and my tastes, AND, simultaneously the movie of the same name, with the actress otherwise known as Stiffler's mom (whose name I NEVER remember)...but I digress...we went to a dog show.

A friend of ours shows Sharpei's and had mentioned the dog show this weekend. Knowing how much Amara likes ALL dogs whenever she sees them, we thought this would be perfect!

We headed to the fairgounds/ expo center, and IMMEDIATELY began seeing dogs of all shapes and sizes, milling around, walking, running, etc. ALL over the place.

Once inside, the nice ladies at the table were getting us up to speed. No, we (apparently) didn't need a program, since we appeared to be pretty much the only non-showing, spectators there. There was no schedule, and have at it. Cool. We got our hands stamped, with this fun State-of-Ohio thing with a dog paw in it. Cute.

We didn't make it 2 feet inside, without Amara lunging for a BEAUTIFUL grey dog (A Weimaraner I think)...

...then a Giant Schnouzer, then a something-or-other (tiny, but no clue)...and we finally found our friend Kori! She showed us some Sharpei's who were VERY pretty and friendly too!

A cute little Australian Shepphard caught our eye and was so gentle...then, we found a GIANT Great Dane, Doc, one of the most HUGE dogs I've ever seen--and he was only 7 months old--lots of puppy energy there!

After splitting a corndog with dad--we ventured to find a few more friendly guys...of course, now, as you could imagine, they were even MORE interested in Amara (and her corndog fingers :))

We saw Izzy the Sheltie--SO cute, looks like a tiny "Lassie" and loves kids--I think she was 7 months too, and this was her first show...Brigette, the Shiba Inu--just like Ily, only the black-and-tan version, and very (characteristically) shy...then some British something Corgie? All I remember is that the guy said "it's the same one the queen has" ohhhh--ok---I'll take your word for that one--very cute, just Amara's size, and seemed so smiley.

...and on the way out, Uno, the Saint Bernard--was VERY friendly, and funny enough, her brother was right there too (though once the two were there, it was a little much to photograph--but take our word for it, they were SO gentle and friendly with Amara, ALL of the dogs and owners/ handlers were GREAT and Amara had a wonderful time--she didn't want to leave and we will definitely go again. Thanks again Kori, great suggestion and good luck!

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