Sunday, March 21, 2010

Post Anthony-Thomas

To burn off some sugar buzz, and enjoy the wonderful day, dad had packed us a picnic earlier in the we headed to one of our fav parks after the tour. No surprise, she wasn't hungry, but there was a birthday party going on there, so there were plenty of kids for her to observe.

It's tough because when she sees kids, or balloons (always balloons) she naturally just wants to join in, or help herself--and we want to encourage her to be social, but it's hard explaining that you don't know someone at a park like that--so we struggled a bit being so close, but not really involved with the festivities.

We were on the swing a lot. She really likes the little kid swing, especially with mom and dad taking turns swinging next to her. We played on the slides for a bit too, creating quite the sticky mess (note the chocolate on her bunny shirt from earlier) before settling down for lunch. She picks kids to "race" with down the twin slides there, or ventures down the curvy slide in the blink of an eye!

We had our sandwiches and snacks and for dessert, she wanted her sucker (back).

She's also recently become aware of being in the drivers seat, honking the horn, steering, etc. So in the safety of the parking space--I let her climb over and take a stab at daddy's car (she usually gets to in mommy's much more). I'm PRETTY certain daddy ended up with a sticky wheel/ seat/ lord knows what else, but she enjoyed her brief stint of independence.

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