Monday, April 5, 2010

Music class w/ Mrs. Kelly

Even though it's one of Amara's first and longest-running classes, and she loves it SO much, we haven't EVER gotten any pics of her in class (well, thankfully--actually, a classmate's grandma took pictures of Amara's first class ever, and I have those in her baby book--but since then...).

It's a very involved and intimate class, so I always felt kind of distracting--but I got to the point that I really wanted to have some pics for Amara, so I got over myself and did it. I even got a little video--mind you, Amara was tired and not particularly interested in class on Thursday, but I'm glad we have something.

One of the things I love about the music classes is that it combines both repetition and new elements. I can not go to a class for months (though I'd love to go every week) and pick right up. The welcome song and closing songs are the same...the songs of the week are very simple to pick up on...and the toys/ tools Mrs. Kelly uses are familiar to the kids and caregivers alike. OH, and not to forget--the "la la's" at the very end of class--

Don't forget Lucy the Lion too--Mrs. Kelly always explains that Lucy started the class with her, when she started in WeJoySing 10 years ago. (Mrs. Kelly uses Lucy to demonstrate the songs, musical instruments, etc.) Lucy has been through a lot--and the kids (especially Amara) enjoy grabbing her for a second before or after class and pretending for a second.

The kids play with everything from hammers with bells in them, to triangles, chimes, hula hoops, books, paint brushes, and many more things--all incorporated with some learning for the week or session. It's amazing how quickly the kids pick up on things and remember it--they keep the parents and grandparents on our toes!

Amara really, REALLY likes Mrs. Kelly a lot. Whenever she has a chance to sit right up front, next to her, she takes it. From what I've seen--Amara likes to run up to get the instruments, hurries to put them away when they are done, and loves to be involved with pretty much anything involving Mrs. Kelly--it's really sweet. At the end of class, Mrs. Kelly thanks the kids for playing with her, and they get their "la-la's" which are music note stamps with hearts on them. One on each hand and the belly too. As you can tell, Amara is still doing the 'lean-in' hug thing--which is frankly, more than she does to most people :)

After her la-la's and a hug, it's right back to Grandma Jackie to show of her stamps and get shoes on and ready to go!

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