Thursday, July 5, 2012

Red, white and boom--kind of ;)

July 3rd is always red, white and boom in Columbus.  I went a few times as a kid, but it's been YEARS :)  We had decided it was too hot and Cora was too young, but I thought I might take Amara down to see the fireworks and see what she'd was an adventure :)
She and I drove downtown and scouted areas in German village, Berliner park and at last on Harmon avenue.  Because I didn't know what she'd think of it, I wanted a place we could park and get right in and out.  We ended up parking with other families at Ashland Chemical, next to 71, closer than Berliner, and easy in and out.   Some families were setting off the wish lanterns--but none of my cameras could really capture how cool they looked.

As soon as the fireworks started though, I realized we were still too far away for this to keep her attention and we couldn't hear any of it--and she was ready for the "boom, crackle," I had prepped her for.  So we headed up 315 and pulled over with other cars at the Dublin road exit.  Other cars were there, so that makes it ok, right?  Wrong.

The police moved all the cars, and essentially exits along 315 were open--so we took 670 towards downtown, SLOWLY and it was perfect!  She could hear, see, and even smell the fireworks!! I got off at 3rd, and we drove down past the convention center and got right downtown for the finale!~  (that part was REALLY loud)

We jumped right on 70 from 3rd, got some ice cream from McD at Stringtown and were home with some for daddy by 10:45.  She was SUPER tired and cranky, but she enjoyed it and I think next year we might actually brave GOING downtown full force :)...well, Beanie and I might, haha

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