Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ladybug Easter egg hunt and party

Amara's school Easter party was actually a week and a half before Easter, so it was her first egg hunt of the year.  I was excited to come and help hide eggs--but before they ready in the church mouse play house for us, I got to help with games.

Amara and Saphira were in particularly good spirits that day, hugging and playing--getting all excited for the festivities.
The girls and boys played a ring-toss game, and a beanbag toss also.  Other parents were there to help out as well as Mrs. Misty, as other friends had joined the class for the day and it was a full house!

Amara decorated her foam egg with markers and put a happy little guy on him.  The other side had a more traditional egg design, which she had a blast coloring.

They also had a photo frame craft, complete with sparkly bunny ears and tie, and a slot for a pic when we got home.

After all the crafts were done, the kids lined up for the big hunt.  Landon's mom and dad and one of the grandmas and I had hidden over 200 eggs for the kids who were there.  The playhouse is really a big open room, so we were excited to see them dash all over the place.

All the kids had custom egg bags they had decorated earlier in the morning.  They colored their eggs with damp tissue paper and used converted grocery bags.  On Mrs. Misty's call, the kids darted around the room as fast as they could.  All we saw were backs taking off away from us! 

It felt like the egg hunt lasted about :60 seconds. It might have been slightly longer for some of the kids for them to even all the eggs out, but they started digging in right way to indulge in their treats, tattoos and stickers from their lovely filled eggs.

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