Sunday, January 26, 2014

Visiting Krispy Kreme

I would say Eric is kind of a doughnut snob ;) He likes what he likes and he normally doesn't deviate; however, the girls are celebrating Johnathan's bday at Sarah's tomorrow and she asked us to bring donuts, so we used it as a chance to explore!
I remembered Krispy Kreme has the glass walls where you can see all the doughnut machine when the girls got up today, we hopped in the car, jammies and all, and ran up to get a treat for ourselves and for Mrs. Sarah's.

The girls loved seeing the machines that dropped the doughnuts, flipped them, and Amara particularly liked the icing "shower" that coated all the doughnuts too :)  We picked out our box for tomorrow, then picked some for ourselves and got a table.  The girls couldn't help going back up to watch the magical process while they ate.

After a short stay, we took our hats, balloons, and our doughnuts and headed home with full bellies.  We had a great time and visited a new place, and I loved seeing the girls so excited about something we can sometimes take for granted.

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