Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Harrisburg parade

Mom took the girls to the Harrisburg parade this year--it kind of popped up and surprised us all, so it was an impromptu trip--she said they had a great time and there were lots of wagons, trucks, and tractors with kids and candy, and that they want to do their own entry next year!

sounds like it was for everyone, because she said it wasn't packed, and the girls came home with grocery bags full of candy!  We missed the rest of the homecoming activities--but we're going to try to find out earlier next year. The school may have closed, but it's still a cute little town and only a mile away.

She took them to Tony's Coney's afterwards for some food--after all that candy, and it gave Eric and I an hour or two to run the chainsaw without the fear of the little girls around.

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