Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cute story

Although I don't have any particular photos to document this story, I wanted to capture it and share nonetheless.

Tonight was a relatively normal bedtime routine for us. Amara had been in bed for maybe 15-30 minutes when we heard her saying one specific sound, over and over.

It wasn't "up" her new catch-all word for many things, but more "ack" or "et" --something like that...over and over...She wasn't getting upset, just persistent.

Eric went in to check on her, and quickly returned, saying "that was about the cutest thing he'd seen," which is a pretty high bar for Amara.

To preface, we have foamcore set up in her bedroom window, to help with the sunlight during her daytime naps. Even in summer, since she goes to bed in the 6 o'clock hour, it's still pretty bright in there. From time to time, it slips, and lets a crack of light in at the top--which (of course) attracts her attention, as it iluminates her room, toys, etc.

These had slipped as we were getting into jammies, and Eric secured them as I sang a few lullabies.

Turns out, they had slipped again, revealing the light, and when Eric entered the room, Amara was standing up in her crib, ready to show dad what the problem was.

He said that after he fixed it and turned around to her, she was already turning in her bed, grabbed a pillow, and was getting cozy to go back to sleep.

I have to agree with him. Pretty adorable. It's 8:51 p.m. as I write this and we havne't heard another peep.

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