Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July/ first parade

Everyone remembers the firsts, right? So why not a first parade? I thought it would be fun to take her to the Ashville parade (just south of mom and dad) where there would surely be tractors, horses, and very low-key for her. However, upon waking up this morning and realizing she would be ready for a nap promptly at parade kick-off time (11), that an immediate change of plans was needed.

We quickly scoured the local parade times to find one that was close, and well, NOW. Oddly enough, my parents had JUST called us and were at the Lowe's on Georgesville road getting (of all things) beatle dust...or something...anyway, there was a parade JUST up the road starting in literally 1/2 an hour. We met them at Lowe's, headed to the parade, parked 500 ft. from our parade spot, and got there in perfect time.

The parade was perfect! Kids pelted us with candy (which we gave to the nephews) whether we wanted it or funny note--she became ATTACHED to a root beer dumdum sucker, having NO idea what it was. She just liked that she could hold and wave it (and we left it that way). It was so cute that she just enjoyed picking up the candy and throwing it in her stroller...and even more, watching the kids next to us feverishly chase the candy all the while.

We saw our share of firetrucks, kids, dogs, clowns, EVEN horses and tractors too! I think we were there maybe 30-45 minutes (she was already yawning) and we headed home. A nap was (of course) in order, and I really think she had a great time. I know we all did. So amazing watching things through her eyes.

I am pretty sure there are some other parades yet this summer, and I plan to investigate and attend if at all possible. Maybe next year, we can even make it to Ashville, who knows?

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