Sunday, July 26, 2009

Singin' in the rain

I think it was last weekend when we got the torrential rain on Saturday. We were home, nothing much to do...and she kept going to the back door saying "up" (translation "out".)

After a half hour or so of trying to explain that she'd get wet (and of course, me thinking she'd hate it) I decided to take her out.

At first, she noticed the sprinkles on her head and arms and looked at me quizzically, but wasn't taken aback. She then wanted down, which led to a little puddle splashing on the deck with our feet.

(I should disclose...I was the loon with this idea, so Eric watched safely from the dry indoors...for clarification on the "we.")

After a few minutes, and realizing she could care LESS if she got wet, it was normal playtime in the yard. We headed down the stairs, to the yard, kicking balls, climbing on her bench, walking around, chasing the dog in circles, and she loved it.

After a while (maybe 10-15 minutes) the novelty seemed to be wearing off, so dad was ready and armed with warm towels for us. We came in, got warmed up, clean clothes, and Amara took a little snooze, while I cleaned up our wet footprints through the house.

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