Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Birthday lunch w grandma

On the morning of Beanie's bday, Grandma wanted to jump in and help.  Considering Amara NEVER turns down Grandma time, she hopped to it and headed out the door to have a special time with Grandma Jackie.  They headed to Meijer and went shopping (new outfit on)...

Then went to McDonalds--a treat I can remember myself...what is it that is SO special about being able to eat in a fast food restaurant, but so impossible to sit through a "sit down" restaurant...i guess the irony is lost on a now 3 year old beauty :)

It was so hot, they spent their time between the inside and outside parts of the McDonalds!

Back to Grandma's house to open her present, a giant Buzz Lightyear toy!  He has a remote, talks, etc. and is really fun!  Thanks for a fun and very special lunch and time on her 3rd birthday Grandma Jackie!

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