Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Where'd my baby go?

Like many parents, we're learning that you blink and they are xx months, years, etc. right? 

Not cool.

Miss Cora seems bound and determined to grow up faster (if possible) than big sister Amara did (which was PLENTY FAST).  In talking with another "newer" mom at work yesterday, I walked out of the room asking myself "where'd my baby go," and why do my girls seem to want to grow up so fast!! 

To that end, her daughter, "V," is a month ahead of Cora and isn't fully rolling over.  Cora is rolling over both directions--in fact barrell rolls over and over, and last night actually sat up--from lying on her back, just to get closer to Amara who was right next to her--Eric and I were stunned to say the least.

She pulls up fully into a full front chest press and pushes on anything near her into a full circle pivot and backwards with ease--Miss Sarah and I think it will be days (not weeks) until she is crawling (and childproofing) at lightning speed. :(  Where'd my baby go?

I've always tried my best not to rush the girls into any phase.  Sure it's exciting to see them reach milestones, but I never want them to get there too fast.  (Though, this rear-facing till 2 carseat legislation thing I could jump right past.)  It's been different too with Cora being born in February, we're able to do things in the Summer that we didn't with Amara.  Cora has already been to splash parks and baseball games, while Amara was still sleeping right through them 3 short years ago.

My diatribe is done.  The point is made.  I'm sad, but I'll get over it--but as a reminder to myself and anyone who'll listen...hold them, love them, squeeze them now, because in a blink, they are already moving on.

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