Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve

Seems like no matter how much we prep, we are always bustling about. This year was no different.
We had spent the day doing crafts and lounging mostly, took naps and then got everyone dressed for Christmas eve service at Beanie's school/church.
HOW BLESSED we were that BOTH sets of grandparents came to watch Amara sing and celebrate with us! Something I'm SO thankful for especially, since I never had that luxury as a kid ;)
She sang "ring those bells" to kick off the service and then both girls made it through the whole service! It was pretty modern, Cora sang at the top of her lungs, but hushed me whenever I tried to sing along ;)

She was happy to sit next to her school pal, Saphira--even if they were only on stage for a few minutes.
Mom and dad headed off to Jason's but again, another huge surprise as Amara got to ride home with Grandma and Grandpa Young and they stayed to get Chinese with us!
After dinner, Amara got everyone ice cream and after sissy went to bed, she and I baked cookies for Santa (so they'd be fresh.)  We made some dark chocolate chip, and after sampling one for quality (or three) she headed up to bed. (not forgetting milk and raisins for Santa's reindeer!)
Eric and I read her the night before Christmas--Cora had already been asleep an hour at this point, and then Eric and I hunkered down to finish wrapping and some last minute details before the big day.  A heavy fog settled in along with the darkness, perfect for Rudolph to help, and we counted our blessings as we drifted off to the John Tesh Christmas show.
Is this face ready for Santa or what?

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