Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter 09

As you might imagine, Easter was a much anticipated day for all of us. Dad found a giant chick for Amara, about 4x her size, we had an easter basket for her, church planned with the family, and of course eggs.

Amara did make her way through the baskets--but the outdoor pics from the grandparents are still yet to surface. I'll share as soon as I get them, promise! Amara was so sweet during church, of course wanting to talk...but she was a trooper, promptly followed by a lengthy nap at grandma's (well deserved, little sweetheart).

1 comment:

valurena said...

omg, i can't believe how big she is getting. i haven't been keeping up with any blogs lately ... so fun to see how big she has gotten. she's the prettiest little girl! :)