Monday, October 24, 2011

Mommy and beanie day

Every so often (though not often as I'd like), Amara and I do a "Mommy-Bean day."  Sometimes we stay around the house or run errands together, and sometimes I pack the day full of activities for us.  Sometimes it's easier to do some of the things she likes without little sister tagging along, and that's ok.
We started the day (after dropping Cora to Mrs. Sarah's) at her favorite, Chick-fil-a.  After eating and playing for a bit, we got on the road to our 2nd stop, and to visit a horse named Zoe.

Amara immediately made friends with the cats and dogs on the ranch and we enjoyed watching all the horses run the corral too.  They were beautiful!

Inside, we met Zoe. I can't remember the details, but she has a lot of experience with young riders, but no Spring chicken herself.  Amara got to ride around the indoor ring while the trainer and I walked next to her.

When we were all done, Amara got to brush Zoe and give her some treats.  We really had fun and she wanted to go again, before we'd even left!

Amara walking Zoe back to her "room" in the barn.

Stop 2 was Lynd's fruit farm, on one of the early picking days (if not the earliest) this year!  She loves to pick (and eat) the fresh apples, but it is a ways out there--so we only usually do one or two with the girls :)

She carried her own bag, and as one of the workers came out to us to offer us pears, enjoyed that as soon as we got to the car!  We picked quite a few apples (that we all enjoyed) and had a blast!

Last stop before nap had to be lunch, another favorite, Wendy's.  She was getting tired from all the riding and excitement, but she LOVES to eat inside at restaurants, so of course we did.  

After our busy morning and lunch, we headed home for nap time.  We had to get our rest in for the big afternoon ahead--the Balloons and Tunes festival!!  We had a great Mommy-Bean day and I am looking very much forward to our next and many, many more.

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