Thursday, July 5, 2012

Garage sale

Bless their hearts, Carolyn and Sarah started helping me get ready for this garage sale in OCTOBER--yes, I needed THAT much help.
I'd never done one before, but Eric and I realized we had a LOT of clutter to thin out and figured why not.  We've spent months tossing things into the garage sale pile in the basement, taking on donations from others, posting ads, and stickering and finally it's here.

Carolyn has helped me get ready down to the last detail, and with Sarah's input from all her experience, I think we are ready.  We have hundreds of dollars worth of 'stuff' to go to happy new owners, but anything that doesn't will go to Volunteers of America come Monday morning, NOT back to us ;)

I hope this goes well.  Eric has busted his tail carrying up load after load and is literally picking up things from Carolyn's house as I type this (at almost 9, the night before the garage sale).  He must be into the clearing out part though--because he's already talking about another one in the fall.  Really?  Bring it.

Disney fund get ready to be padded!

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