Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Little Darby Creek with the Stevens'

So our friends invited out to Little Darby Creek maize and we had no idea what we were in for...but as soon as we got there, we could tell it was cool!  The girls ran from event to event for hours!

Cora even got to ride the cow train because some nice lady already in her seat offered to hold her for us--very friendly place ;)

What a super cute family pic of the Stevens clan!   Poor Eric--it happened to be OSU game time and they had it blaring over loud speakers while he had it DVRing at home.  He managed to miss most of it (so he said.)

The corn launcher guns were super cool and they also had a pumpkin launcher that was amazing--that thing looked military for sure.

Lots of animals were on the farm too--peacocks, chickens, turkeys, ducks, and some goats--this little baby goat was shy, but the girls loved him.

The duck water race game was fun too, Amara loved pumping the water back and forth between the 2 troths to Cora.

The bunnies had about had it for the day, but Amara sill managed to get one.  Cora wasn't interested in holding them, but loved patting them solidly.

They also had a big tarp you could jump and bounce out that was super cool--after some of the bigger kids left, the two of them had a blast running back and forth across the whole length of the thing.

We skipped the hayride in favor of playing more, so the girls got to pick out their own small pumpkins to take home.  Cora picked hers out after much consideration--not that there was much to pick from...

...just a few!~  We had an awesome time at LDC and Eric wants to even go back this year!  It is up past Plain City, so it's a drive, but we really all had a super time.

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