Wednesday, April 22, 2015

last hip hop comp

Amara's last competition of the season, number 4 for her, 5 for the team--happened just 30 hours after getting the cast off. She was determined and made it happen!

I was so thrilled Tiffany came with Payton and brought friends Rylee and Reese to all cheer Amara on. I could tell she was excited too. 

Amara got out on that competition floor and gave it her all--"left it" as they say. She even did a full freeze elbow stand in one part of the routine--Eric and I about fainted!!  It was a great end to the season and I was so glad that Amara had a cheering section. Mom and dad even brought Garhett too!

The kids all took the mat for awards and supported the other teams even though they didn't win--Amara was always smiling, hugging, high-5ing and singing all the way. 

Even on the way out, already in coat and fuzzy pj's--with little sister clinging on for dear life (and holding her up as it was 10pm!!) she busted out some attitude face and posed one last time for the season. She's my warrior as Coach Tay would say!

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