Thursday, November 15, 2012

Carving pumpkins

After scoring our awesome pumpkins from Grandpa Jahn's patch earlier this month, we were ready to carve when the time came!  We got out the tools and assumed the position on the kitchen floor.

Eric cut the tops off of the pumpkins--Cora mostly watched, she wasn't so keen on the whole messiness of it all and the crayon wasn't working so well for her. She's a better supervisor anyway...Eric carved the larger of the two with a silly face and Amara got a little more abstract with hers.
While Cora kept watch over all the pieces and parts, Amara went to work mapping out her design. She used the little saw and poker tools with the precision of a surgeon (maybe we will get a doctor after all!!)
Amara was so focussed--her attention span has really been growing lately, especially while there is a task she is interested in.  Cora, on the other hand, provides her typical comic relief with the ever-present shirt raising "see my belly" move...Amara still focusing.

Amara didn't even mind scooping out the pumpkin--in fact, she just kept drawing shapes (hearts, stars, wiggly lines) and then cutting them out. It was amazing to see her so made me want to let her carve pumpkins all the time.

After all that hard work, it was snack time.  It seems they always have a bowl of something in their hands on the weekends.  We all enjoyed some clementines and then dug out the lights to get ready to show off our fabulous creations!!

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