Sunday, May 31, 2009

Birthday afternoon/ 1st trip to the zoo (as members!)

As much as Amara likes her dog, and just about any other dog for that matter--and most animals she sees...we thought, what better day to explore the zoo than her birthday!

We headed up in search of giraffes and zebras (NEITHER OF WHICH THE COLUMBUS ZOO HAS ANYMORE) but settled for bears, wolves, birds, and elephants. It was a lot of fun, and with the membership we got, we hope to be back a lot!

I'm not sure how we discovered it, but we all like soft pretzels it was a fun treat to share one, watch the ducks and the fountains and rest a moment before heading home. The zoo is a big place! We're already planning our next trip back to see more animals, maybe the baby elephant and flamingos? who knows...

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