Sunday, May 3, 2009

Nice weather!

Not sure whether it was how much we were all out and about last summer, or whether it's "in the blood" as Eric says, but Amara LOVES to be outside. In fact, a door no more than opens (LITERALLY) that she makes a B-LINE for it. Grandma says the same thing about time spent at her house--so it's no surprise that we're spending most of the waking hours outside (as weather permits). I'm so glad she likes it outside!

We almost always have a hat on her (which, luckily she doesn't fight too much) and this is one of her favorite "rattle" toys--as you can see, she is always drawn to dad's fountain on the back porch as well--lots to keep her entertained!

1 comment:

Mommy and her munchkins said...

Micki, She is looking like such a big girl and is such a doll! Addison loves the outdoors too. We've already gone through tons of sunscreen and it's not even pool season!