Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sweet 'tatoes'

Amara has always been a great eater--well, as long as she's been eating :) It all started with Grandpa Jahn's garden, and his squash, corn, green beans, apples, etc. that Eric made into her first baby-food last summer.

It's funny--sometimes the things you'd think they wouldn't like, they do, and the things you'd think they'd love, they toss! I try and never assume anymore, and just expose her to as many different foods as possible (so she's hopefully not a picky eater like mom).

Makes sense then, that we would continue on (the tradition) as much as we can, when we can.

Grandpa Jahn had taken the last of the summer's sweet potatoes into the garage (to keep them from freezing) and Amara found them. Lucky for me, I was hankering to try my hand at a sweet potato pie, myself--so I had the little shopper help me.

We didn't have a bag--and one is never enough, so Amara got creative, and decided to use her little umbrella stroller as her shopping cart instead (smart cookie!).

She filled it up for me, took them for a quick ride around the garage, then we tossed them in the car to head home--my goal is to try a new recipe this weekend, and she how she likes it--never can tell, might be the next new favorite with her!

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