Monday, January 10, 2011

Galaxy: Preparing Uncle Matt & Aunt Steph

Saturday Uncle Matt and Aunt Steph called to see if we wanted to go play and OF COURSE we jumped at the chance!  We told Amara before her nap, in hopes she'd rest and be ready to go, and was she ever! She came bounding downstairs at 3, asking to go "jump in balls with Matt!"

We took off and met them at Galaxy off of Wilson Rd.  I think everyone with time off or a birthday this month in Columbus was there--I literally had to park out of the lot, on the street it was so packed!  Granted--I can understand kiddos with Winter bdays are kind of stuck this time of yeah, but oh man!
Amara put Matt right to work, chasing her up through the maze of tarps and holes to the slide 4 stories above them!  I'm pretty sure Matt took some lumps from the "bigger kids" (7-9) who were whizzing past them in the maze as if they were standing still--I told Steph, never more at a place like that can kids make you feel like a dolt!
They moved on to the ball pits after they had exhausted their climbing for a moment, but not too long passed till they found another climbing path that led them up into some overhead tunnels!

Matt took a break and sent Eric up into the tunnels for a bit--I have to say, wasn't missing that part so much :)  I really do enjoy these types of things usually but between being uncomfortable and how INSANELY packed it was--I was glad for the boys!  They were both getting sweaty though as well, and for a second, I regretted the long sleeves that Amara was in, though she wasn't nearly as winded :)

Slide number 3, I believe seemed huge when Amara came down it--I like this "speed skater" pose you can see--and someone's leg creeping behind...

That would be daddy--not as roomy for grown ups as Amara made it appear! 

SOMEONE (while I was parking the car) apparetnly noticed these blue hanging monkeys at the prize station, and decided it was the goal for the night to land one.  600 tickets.  OUCH!  Luckily, good sports Matt, Steph, and dad, made it their passion to win all the tickets for her they could, and after about an hour, luckily had just enough for the monkey and a few tootsie rolls!

They played almost every age-appropriate game in there, for her--some SEVERAL times, considering the menial amount of tickets some of those games give you!

After deciding it was WAY too packed to stay for dinner, we all headed to Cici's. Man do I wish I'd taken the camera inside there!  We had a big time slap-happy show-off in full effect!  It started out harmless, everyone ate, but then the seat-swapping started.  Amara booted Steph, to wedge herself next to Matt--and then the "cake" (brownie) stealing began--I know she stole Steph's AT LEAST once, and possibly Matt's and Eric's. 

Someone got up to get another buffet plate, and the next thing I knew, she was in the booth behind us, giggling and flirting as usual--I think all in all we were only there a half hour or so, but I think all our sides hurt from laughing at our little clown.  We really like that place (not just for the $4.99 buffet that all the men in my life can put a hurt on the place for) but largely because she can eat right away and we don't have to eat--that is a super WIN for us!

Of course blue monkey (daddy named Jingles, for all the tokens that were jingling in his pocket as he was winning the tickets for him) slept in her room, and to my amazement, we didn't hear much from her after she went down at 7:30--though she was up bright-eyed and ready to go the next day, as usual--no sleeping in for this kid!

What a blast!  I'm not quite sure who had the MOST fun, but we all had fun--I told Matt, at least they don't have to be prepared for THIS phase right away, but it sure is a fun one when they get there!

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