Monday, January 31, 2011

Little baker

Whenever we have time and are in the mood, we try to get Amara as involved as we can in baking and/or cooking.  I've heard, and seen firsthand, that getting kids involved with cooking/food prep gets them interested in what it is to eat.  Sure, who wouldn't eat cake--but it works for other things too :)  We decided to make a cake and got out our ingredients...starting by reading the directions (closely).

Next, measuring is key--since getting her kitchen set for Christmas, I think Amara has become even more interested in cooking, baking, measuring, counting, etc.  It's great to see her develop!

Pouring is always dicey--especially with a glass bowl and measuring cup!  Maybe I should invest in some plastic ones?  She did a great job though--so proud (me AND her).

(ignore the post-nap hair) but look at that smile--she is so proud of doing things herself and I'm happy to let her!  Sure, we may need a few extra eggs to have around the house, but seeing her confidence expand and grow is so rewarding.

The moment of truth--the taste test!  She hasn't figured out that the beaters area a once-done test, but she manages to always sneak them back in the bowl while we're photographing!

After several licks...and I'm POSITIVE daddy's cue to say "CHEESE!"

The other night, we made meatloaf and Amara helped daddy cook. I didn't get any pics b/c the camera had died, but the licking process had to be switched up.  She did great crushing crackers, cracking eggs, stirring, etc. but we really had to watch her to keep her from licking any of the raw things in there!  Lesson learned for mom and dad!

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