Monday, September 26, 2011

Cora's eating!

So, it's official.  High chair in place, stash of bibs and towels at the ready--Cora is eating :)

Like Amara, I had mixed feelings of how this would all go--sure, she'd sucked on an apple core, and reached for whatever I was eating, but the cereal we tried a few weeks ago was a miserable FAIL.

She was eager with anticipation as I brought the dish over to her...our first of choice was pears, courtesy Lynd's farm.

SUCCESS!  After the "not having any of it" cereal moment, she took the pears with no looking back!  I was so excited.  She ate about a pinch bowl of it--she wasn't ravenous, but didn't turn her head either.

Not sure if she was going after the pears, or the spoon...but she was enjoying it, and so were we.  Yeah Cora!!

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