Monday, June 4, 2012


We decided to take a break from WeJoySing this Spring and try something different.  We heard about a class called Musikgarten and decided to give it a try.  It is in Hilliard, and thankfully Sarah offered to take all the kids on one of her days.

Miss Erin (Meats) is the teacher and it's a mixed age format class, so there were small babies up to age 5 in the class, with different activities accordingly :)

I got to take the girls on one of the days Sarah needed off, but I things were moving so fast i didn't get many great pics.  They class went fast overall too, but they worked on sounds, stories, instruments, listening, and movement.  The class had maybe 3-4 other families, and as this was week 3 of 6 (I think) it was pretty routine what they were working on.

One of the most fun parts was doing different activities with bean bags--they used to do some of that at the little gym and Amara used to love that.  They sang songs that told the kids to put the bags on different body parts and the older kids really thought that was funny.

I'm not sure if we'll be able to do another session right away, but we're really glad Sarah took them as she could, and we hope they enjoyed it too!

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