Wednesday, February 13, 2013

star student of the week poster project

Amara was selected this week to be the star student of the week in her ladybug class.  We had a poster "all about me" to fill in and we decided to work on it together after Cora was in bed.  Some of the sections included her drawing a picture of her family, things that she likes, and things that she didn't like.

She also had to jot down 3 wishes, and there was a section that talked about her height, weight, hair color, and she wrote her name on the poster.

She had a hard time finding things she didn't like, but she said that she didn't like scratchy things, medicine, mud, and a few other things.  Things she liked was much easier and ranged from waffles and oranges, to yellow daffodils, pink flowers, and a beautiful sunset and house picture. 

She was very proud of it when we were done, and daddy printed out a pic of our family for the top section.  She carried it into class the next morning and Ms. Misty was thrilled to see her artwork!  I know she got to present her poster in class to her friends--i'd have loved to have seen that, but I'll just have to imagine :)

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