Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ohio State Fair

We decided kind of on a whim to take the girls to the fair this year.   They are kind of the perfect ages to ride the kiddie rides--so we went. 

pretty sure they rode not even half of the rides and were were still there for hours!  The ride bracelets were $23 each, even for Cora--but having G there was a nice treat for the girls.

The pony rides aren't part of the bracelet, but of course they wanted to ride.  They were both really sweet and calm around the horses.

The swing was a HUGE hit too--they all rode them several times.  The girls loved being behind Garhett and watching his reactions.

We never found kiddie bumper cars, but we did find bumper boats--score!  This kept the girls occupied for a few rounds while Garhett played the wipeout game right next to them.

The motorcycle caught Cora's eyes too--she took off and got in line before Amara had time to even make a decision about going or not!

Ohhhhhh that's right--Amara was off with grandma getting a slushie and cotton candy. I guess that makes it ok.

Who had the bright idea to do a pic with a monkey? And i paid for this? Amara thought it was mildly entertaining, but Cora wasn't so sure.

After the rides, we played games, a LOT of games. Eric spent close to $50 trying to win a giant yellow minion, and then who showed him up? Amara won her "nemo" fish for $1, that I carried around :)

Before we left, we had tickets in our pocket for the camel ride.  We waited in line and the girls enjoyed it. We were all getting tired, so Garhett took off to find a funnel cake. The girls did have a hot dog at one point too, but it got warm and no one felt like eating.

We had a super fun day with Gma and G and the fam.  Next year it'll be totally different, but i expect them to ask to go!

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