Monday, September 23, 2013

Amara's first football game (cheer)

Yesterday was Amara's first football game.  I can't believe I have a cheerleader!!  She has been so excited for cheer the last several weeks with practice, then starting with their poms and megaphone and now her uniform--the day is finally here!
We had to be at the field at 10 for player introductions.  All the parents and family line up and make a tunnel for her to come running through.  They introduce all teams, football and cheer--and when we heard her team, the Starbursts, we all got ready.

There she came through the Upward banner, with a big smile on her face and pompoms in hand.

After that, it was over to the field. Her squad is only 5, so it's small and manageable and the parents all get to sit close.  She did cartwheels on and off the field, and recited her cheers, watching the coaches all the way.

Cheer after cheer she did her routines and seemed like she was really enjoying herself. She did run off the field a time or two to hug Cora or get a drink, but she really did well.

At half time, they performed a routine they have been practicing then got a big break.  She and Grandpa and Grandma Jahn got everyone some snacks and drinks--it was HOT for 10 in the morning in September!

After game time, you could see she was tired, but she had fun and was excited for sure.  Pictures are today--i'm sure that will be daddy and I's first photo badges, but not the last.

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