Saturday, May 3, 2014

skate class graduation

After just a few weeks of stretching, learning how to fall, how to get up, and how to stop--Amara is becoming quite the confident skater! At their last class; however, it was all about fun, and not so much about skills.  

The class did their usual games, obstacle courses, etc. but about half way through, they called the kids over and gave each one of them a can of silly string.  The kids got to "string" all the instructors till their cans ran out, then each of them were presented with their graduation certificates.

They got to do some more extra games too like the limbo which Amara liked, and had some more free-skating with the lights out and disco ball on (another favorite.)

But hopefully this is just the beginning. Amara has been skating up and down the driveway and Natasha tells me Irelyn has been skating around her house-- so who knows, maybe these two will be skating at open skates in the not so distant future?

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