Friday, July 4, 2014

growing sunflowers

Amara and I had picked up a packet of sunflowers back in the early spring while shopping. We always had intentions of planting, but didn't want to do it before Hilton Head and have them die, so we finally got around to planting. We used TP rolls for our starters and the girls got the soil with daddy's help, into our 'pots' and I taped the bottoms shut.

A tiny seed went carefully into each pot. Amara was particularly fond of sorting the seeds for her sister,

while Cora's favorite part was getting the seed into the container, then covered up with more dirt and soundly in its place.

We did maybe a dozen and a half or two dozen seedlings in our packets. We will see how this one goes before we start anything else, but the girls really enjoyed the surprise of coming home and planting with me and it will be awesome if we can actually grow some things together--since the strawberries have been such a success!

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