Friday, May 15, 2015

Cora's a blue jay!

After passing on t-ball last year, Cora was on board to play this year. She signed up with the Jump Start bunch for 3-4 yr olds, and plays at Windsor ball fields every Friday for 6 weeks. Eric signed up to be an assistant coach and tonight she met her main coach, Jay--and all the kids got their shirts and hats, and even coach Eric got a shirt!

She hit from the tee really well and did a little fielding in the grass. Amara was a roving photographer throughout that part of the practice.

When they moved in to run the bases and field though--the distraction set in. I think she'd had enough practice at that point and things ran a little long, but I was really proud of her!

We went over to the park to celebrate and play a little--Cora climbed a LOT and I was thrilled to see Amara on the monkey bars--I just kept thinking 'no loss of muscle in that left arm" the whole time. Amazing ladies.

DQ was the dinner spot tonight too--they dove into their ice creams while the chicken cooled and getting them to bed was not an issue. We had such a fun night at the park and I hope she sticks it out. I think the snacks at the end were a nice treat (pun intended) for her sake too.

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