Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lost and found

We came home on the 4th of July from a great evening, to our worst nightmare. Ily was missing. 

At first we figured she was up under our bed, with all the noises, etc. but as we searched and called for her to give her treats, our panic turned to reality. We called mom and dad and they came and helped Eric scour the neighborhood while I stayed with the girls. Amara was beside herself upset, the girls were exhausted too, so that didn't help the emotional nature of things. 

I made this "lost" flier at about 2 am when Eric called it quits for the night, filed on Pet FBI, Franklin county lost dogs board, texted every neighbor and friend I could, and finally got some sleep. The next morning we were up and searching. We printed the flyers and started handing them out.

When the girls got bored, they went over to play with Hayliee for a bit. Amanda hopped in her car to help us look and talked to some guys on Denton who saw her on Lambert rd. the night before. She headed over that way and we followed her.

When we got to the Sheets farm, she was talking with the wife, and then Eddie, eventually who told us he said seen her in the bean field just that morning. Eric took off walking along the fence and within seconds, he saw her head pop up above the beans. I hopped in the car, drove over to the opening in the fenceline and called for her. She came charging toward me, hopped in the back seat and took a timbit I offered her.

I snapped a pic of her to post on social media--since so many people were praying for us, but literally without Amanda i don't know if we'd have found her. What a 20 hours!

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