Sunday, August 16, 2015

Harrisburg homecoming and parade

The harrisburg parade is likely the only parade around you can watch twice--once as it starts and once as it's finishing at the school, though we opted to only stay for the beginning ;)
We went back home to wait till the rides started back up later and headed into downtown for some pretty funny rides. I compared it to the "war" style games from vegas vacation of carnival rides. Miniature things that were quite entertaining for us, and over priced, but basically a private party.
The girls had fun with the man running this ship rocket ride thing, he was jumping out at them and rocking it, stealing their shoes--it was cute. 
And Eric was a trooper and rode the boomerang ride a few times--i can't do things that make me motion sick.

Afterwards we ran down and got a lemon shakeup, then headed to the fish fry building where I got one and we took 4 over to mom and dad.  They are always really good and you would have thought we made their whole day!

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