Friday, September 25, 2015

OLPH festival

The OLPH festival is a blessing and curse. For days, we drive past all the rides and attractions--so the girls get excited and there's no way to NOT go, BUT it's just up the road and it's super fun, and I love that we can go on Friday. Needless to say the kids were excited--and we got there right at the 6pm opening time. We got our wristbands and went straight to the kite swings. 
The game-plan was to get through all the rides they wanted to ride, before it got slammed busy, and then double back if there were ones they loved--there were some really cool ones this year, so that part was great! 
Amara wanted to ride the big spinning ride, which she JUST was tall enough for too--so she did that while Cora and daddy hit the big slide and games again. They also had the child ID booth set up at the school, so we popped in there to get those updated (the girls are the SAME weight, lol and just a few inches apart) but they both loved their new drivers licenses! haha
We stayed about 2 hours, and as the girls got sick of waiting in lines, we grabbed a funnel cake and headed out. It was great to get in and out of there before it got too nutty--it's a decently priced event really, and the girls can pretty much run on their own. With all the teenagers there, Eric and I were talking about how old they girls will have to be before they could do alone...Eric's answer? "30" haha, dad.

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