Sunday, September 6, 2015

VBS at Bethel Lutheran church

We missed a few vacation bible schools in June between vacation and other commitments, but we were thrilled to be able to sign up for the VBS at Bethel Lutheran under the direction of Kim Leonard Miller.  The theme was race to God, and the kids loved all the race themed decorations when they arrived. 

Amara clicked with her leaders, Sarah and Ry-Ry (who I was filled in were boyfriend and girlfriend by Amara) and Cora was enjoying all her crafts in the pre-school room too--where Amy Zimmerman was her leader! small world--

Every day the girls had different activities and crafts that all tied back to verses and biblical lessons. They tie-dyed, had races outside, had a water day, and lots of singing and crafting too. When I'd pick them up, I'd get to hear about all that was packed into their three hours there, before rushing Amara off to art camp in the afternoons. 

On Sunday we went to the services, which focussed on the youth program and what they had been working on as a team--some amazing missions in Detroit, then we stayed for a fellowship chicken lunch, and mom came too. It was a great day and week, and program and I know the girls are already looking forward to it next year. 

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