Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Trick or treat with the Black Fam

The Black Family invited us to trick-or-treat with them again this year and we happily accepted! It was a perfect night and the girls were dressed as Mal and Evie from Disney's Descendants, complete with wigs, gloves, and capes I'd made--so we were all excited to get started!
We made our (now famous) wassail/ spiked cider and texas queso to take over. The Black fam had several families there, so the kids grabbed hot dogs and the grown ups grabbed soup before heading out. 
After trick-or-treating, the kids took turns passing out candy--which they had JUST as much fun doing, if not more--getting to see all the costumes and bing the candy bosses. 
We didn't stay too, too late, but it got dark early, and we needed to get home to get ready for school and Cora's Ark party the next day, so we headed home with full bellies, candy bags, and a great memory to fall asleep to!

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