Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lynd's Fruit Farm ROCKS!

I have to preface the recollection of today's events by saying that since they first appeared on the trees this spring, Amara has been picking, eating, throwing, and stomping on apples at Grandma and Grandpa Jahn's.

They have a tree (which we think might be a Golden Delicious) right near the garden, and I don't think many days went by that she didn't come home with an apple, an apple story, or both.

The tree didn't have a TON of apples this year; however, so we decided we wanted to go somewhere where she could pick at her level and enjoy herself. After much digging, we decided on Lynd's and put it on the "list."

With so much going on this fall, we didn't know if/ when we'd make it up there to pick, but we really hoped we would. Luckily, with the break in schedule AND weather today, it ended up perfect for the adventure. First we headed to the tent, where she ogled the small painted pumpkins, finger corn, and plums (one of which she was eating by the time we got to the check out counter). Then off to the picking patch.

This weekend was Golden Delicious, Jonathan, and JonaGold--so we went for the latter. I swear, these are my new favorite apples--and before ANY of us could pick one for ourselves, Amara had hers picked and was taking a big bite of it. Without even going probably a dozen trees into the row, we had a 10# bag chocked full! Amara enjoyed picking the lower apples (which were plentiful, probably because not many people go for the apples 2 feet off the ground, but they were PERFECT) we picked a few ourselves, and we shared the "family apple" Amara started on.

At checkout, we got Eric 2 gallons of cider, and paid for our bag, with a promise to return for the "next picking..." I think suncrisps are on in 2 weeks. We'll be BACK!

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