Monday, September 14, 2009

Pizza in the park

After the plane show, a nap, and a desire to enjoy the last fleeting moments of Summer surfaced, we decided on an impromptu picnic idea.

A quick wardrobe change into shorts for all of us, we grabbed a $5 Little Cesear's pizza and headed to the park off of GC Road.

In between bites, Amara enjoyed pointing at the other kids, swinging on the swings with mom and dad, and plane-spotting.

After swinging, and the pizza cooling off, Amara decided she wanted to do it (eat) herself for a while, so, she did...I have to say, even though we were both covered in sauce, it was pretty cute. I'm not sure how Eric captured this moment, but I call it "don't even think about taking this back." She is nothing if not independent, and I guess I figured it was worth a little more laundry time to enjoy this treat.

It was clear at the end, that even though she enjoyed the ramps, bridges, stairs and slides, AND being almost the only people there, that her energy was waning. We headed home (again) straight into the tub, (clothes to soak) and called it a night...seems to be an end-of-Summer pattern for the time being.

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