Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cousins/ G's bball game

After we left the Home Depot, we were (luckily) just minutes away from Buckeye Woods Elementary, where we knew G was about ready to start his game.

We got to the parking lot, and to our surprise, Kalvin and Jackson were tossing the ball around outside! We all snuck into the game (only a minute late) and saw Grandma and Grandpa and G and Uncle T!

There was a lot of action on the court, and while G was playing, Amara would cheer him on--but the second he came out, she looked to K/ J for entertainment. She fed them cheez-its, would scoot around on the floor between them, and during one break, Jackson even taught Amara how to drink from the little kids fountain! (since it IS an elementary school, things are a little lower than usual).

She LOVES her cousins, aka the boys. With them being in school during the year and us having so much to catch up on during the weekends, we mostly only see them at their games--or in passing at Grandma Jackie's house. All the more reason we LOVE to go when we can, so they can all be together! I can't wait until Easter--last year they were so cute helping her, this year they'll have to watch out! (not really, but it will be funny).

And they are so great with her--she gives they the cutest smile and most coy grin, and they take such great care of her...whether it's making sure she doesn't slip out onto the court, or boosting her up onto the slide, or helping with a toy, they are always there.

They ended up winning their league--and we even heard G made a shot-winning game with 8 seconds left today, what a guy!

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