Saturday, March 13, 2010


Amara and Grandma and Grandpa found this tractor at the John Deere store way back before Christmas. In fact--the bought it for her FOR Christmas, but there was so much commotion (combined with the fact she had already seen it) that we didn't even get it out in December.

With the recent thaws though--we thought that maybe now was a good time to get it out and take if for a spin.

Papaw went upstairs to get it out of the spare room, so we all gathered in the kitchen for the reveal. The boys had all come back to Grandma's after the basketball game, so they were all ready to play too :) After realizing the long lost tractor was hers, she took right to it--only then we realized she still wasn't quite tall enough to do it alone, or the seat needed moving, or something--but G stepped up as the motor man!

They ran a path between the living room and kitchen, (so much for outside, right?) back and forth, until one of them got bored with it (not sure which!), and they took a break. It was great though, she couldn't have been prouder--she got her John Deere hat out of the closet (just like all the big boys) and rode away, chasing the dogs--loving every second!

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