Saturday, March 13, 2010

Enjoying the sun & first flowers

Because it feels like we've been cooped up forever--any little bit of warm weather or sun we get, we take advantage of. Last weekend was beautiful, and we played and stayed outside till the birdies went inside too...we played with sidewalk chalk, went on lots of walks, picked up leaves, and looked for buds and flowers.

At the end of the day, our Beanie gets quite slap-happy as I like to call it. It's the 'trying to keep herself awake' mode she gets into--and for somewhere between 5-10 minutes, she's a giggly, stumbly, hilarious little site to see. (Careful, because what immediately follows is NOT always as fun if we let her 'go' too long).

As we were packing up to come inside, she walked around to the front porch and was exploring--the door, siding, doormat, and even found a tiny sticker that had either survived the winter, or recently made itself outside (leave it to Miss Details to find it!)

Seems whenever she wears her (favorite) toboggan, we end up with at least one round of "where's Beanie?"--largely because she can pull it completely down over her head. I'm sure that is an adult hat, more not than ever--and at this rate, she'll wear this hat from ages 1-10 at least :)

At the end of our great Spring-like weekend, we also had our first snow-crocus sighting. Not sure if this is a new tradition in our house--but if we have weather like this once in a while, as a break from a long winter, we can find more than enough ways to celebrate!

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