Monday, April 5, 2010

Cake tester

Although I LOVE to bake, I have to say I don't bake a lot lately--but when I do, I like to get the whole family involved...that said...I have been making a few things for family and friends where I haven't involved Amara, but I guess I didn't really express that--in so many words.

I decided to whip up a lasagna and Snickerdoodle cake last weekend, and clearly--left the cake on the kitchen table.

Amara was playing in the living room with Grandma, Grandpa, and Dad, so I thought MAYBE she was distracted enough to miss me putting a cake on the kitchen table. WRONG. Apparently, from these pictures, they all thought it was much funnier to let her do her (exploring) thing and document it, rather than bring attention to it. I'm only sad I missed it in person, and that there was no "after" picture--because I'm pretty sure these weren't the last tastes!

Where'd she get that fork from?

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