Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Easter 2010

Easter morning started off with Amara almost sleeping through church. After a BIG day on Saturday, we figured she'd sleep...but she was REALLY tired! I think we all got ready for church in record time--though, we did get in the car with Amara in her slippers (a bit of a power struggle on shoes, which I was HAPPY to give up for the moment) and carrying a hat, socks, sweater--and toting a car packed to the roof with egg hunt supplies.

After church and a quick lunch, Amara headed for MeMaws room for a nap, and Eric and I got to working. See, the nephews are older this year--and we decided they shouldn't just have to be HANDED their baskets, they should work for them. So Eric built a scavenger hunt--which, considering we found out all the Hamm's were coming too, meant we could have teams and spread it out and have a lot of fun.

We had 6 clues each for 3 different teams. The clues took them as far back as the barn, all the way to Hoover road, and all around the house (even inside!). In addition to that, they were each allowed a dozen candy eggs each and 5 money (glittery sparkely) eggs too! What a haul! The great part about it too--was that when one kid had reached their limit of eggs, they could help the other--it was really a teamwork event and we heard all the kids really enjoyed it.

From her Easter basket at home, she LOVES the green dancing frog--that went in the car with us all day...and from MeMaws--well, it had all the favorites, including APPLESAUCE and raisins and SUCKERS! Thanks MeMaw.

In true form, Amara didn't care as much for the eggs as she did the mower sitting in the back yard (because there were clues in it!) so that was her Easter treat, regardless. We all ate (again) and enjoyed the day--playing, swinging, running, hunting, chasing, and riding, and crashing :) For one tiny moment, all of mom and dad's grandkids were there (now 5) including tiny baby Gideon--but before we could get a picture, Amara climbed up into her car-seat and promptly said "home," so we went. I guess even fun things can be a lot. Big day, BIGGER weekend!

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