Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gala at Lynds!

Is it a one-year anniversary if it's the 2nd time you've done something?  We made it to Lynd's a few times last year, but this is our first anniversary season then I guess.  We started picking this time last year and then were watching the days until the apples were ready again.  
Immediately when we pulled in the orchard, Amara yelled out "I 'member this place!"  Most times we really think she does--so that made us smile.  We got 2 giant bags and headed to the Gala's.  There were the usual planet-sized ones, and I tried to find the smaller ones for her.  She will finish a whole apple most times, though, I'm pretty sure she started on about a half dozen, that made their way into the bag.  Last week I was baking and found one that was starting to spoil, turned it around, and sure enough it had 2 tiny sets of teeth marks in the back of it.  I think you pay extra for THOSE apples.We walked and walked--sometimes it seems it takes forever to fill up those bags, then you eat them all within a few days :)  Amara got tired after about the first bag, so daddy took the other one and topped it off for us.  After picking, we headed to the tent for other produce.  Eric got (what he later said were the among the freshest and most potent) some peppers, we got some peaches, and Amara grabbed a container of fudge before either of us could get it from her.  She also found the became a fan of the giant fan they have there, jumping and spinning around in front of it. It's a little ways away, so we hopped back into the car for the ride home, apples in hand, and very sticky.  I can report that the Gala's were outstanding to eat and bake with.  We're planning on going out a few more times this year, to compare flavors, and to just enjoy ourselves.  We also heard about a barrel train that we're hoping to try out--she has really been enjoying riding her own roller coaster, so I hope it's a winner.

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