Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I feel pretty

Through the moving process, Amara has been very curiously inspecting everything.  She has become particularly interested in a lot of my beauty products, which--as long as they aren't harmful, I don't mind sharing.  She's been having me buff her nails and toenails, and bath time has returned to it's sometimes half hour sessions of painting, playing, and bubble-making, followed by getting snuggly in a bath towel and reading books in her room. On one day, she had brought me a pack of hair rubber bands, and we started making ponytails in her hair.  I don't think she had any clue what it looked like, but when memaw showed her a mirror and the video tape of it, she really cracked up.She also has some small alligator clips for her hair, since it's kind of all one length and we really haven't decided if/ how to have it cut.  Sometimes she likes them, wants them in, and will even put a few in.  Other times she wants them out and nothing to do with them.  It'll be interesting to see in the near future how she feels about hair products and clips, considering for SO long, she never really needed them. 

I have resisted the urge so far to paint her nails (daddy's request) but I don't think we're far away :)

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