Monday, September 13, 2010

Help, Helllllllp!

A few weeks ago, Amara was really started to grab things off of the counter, try stepstools herself, etc.  I started telling her to just 'ask for help' anytime she needed something, and that daddy and I would be there to help her.  It's taken her a little while to start asking, but now when she does, it's not just "I need help," she BELLOWS "help, hellllllp!" at the top of her lungs!Whether she needs out of her chair, wants something high, or my personal favorite--help on the jungle gym at parks, she yells full voice "help, hellllp!" and we to help her.  The best part has become the reactions to her--the playgrounds always solicit chuckles from other parents, people in stores turn the head to make sure she's ok--and then chuckle, and Eric and I just look at each other and laugh.

Don't misunderstand, she knows what she's doing--sometimes, even by the second "help," she is already grinning or chuckling herself.  What a crackup.

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