Monday, November 1, 2010

I smell cookies, daddy :)

Amara transitioned to her new bed a few weeks ago.  Right away, she loved it, took to it, wanted to show it off and hop right in.  After a few days though, things changed...

She got a pretty nasty cold right after the move and sat on the couch with us for a few days, and wanted to be snuggled a lot, etc.  I only mention it because it was right around that time that she started coming out of her room, shortly after we had put her in.

For some reason, at nap time, she might come out once--MAYBE twice, but at night, it's a different story. 

It really amped up a couple nights ago.  Trick-or-treat night brought a lot of excitement, visitors, playing, candy, and the usual.  We could tell she was tired, but we let her stay up to play anyway.  By the time she was ready to crash, she kept coming out--my guess, was to make sure she wasn't missing any festivities (even though we made it clear everyone had gone).  She probably came out of her room that night close to half a dozen times--and sweeter and sweeter each time she did. She'd say thing like:

"Mommy hold you"

"Daddy, can I come sit with you?"

"Read me a story, daddy" (or sing song)

"Just want to see you guys"

"Whatcha doin'?"   ...and the list goes on

At first, we obliged her and would sing, or read, or just sit, but over time it became clear she wasn't scared, just wanted company, so we sternly walked her back into her room and snuggled her back in with a kiss and walked out.

Last night (night 4 of this new pattern) was a doozy.  She had taken a short nap and has come down with another cold, so we knew her body (if not her mind too) needed the rest.  We did our best winding down routine, complete with long bath, stories, light play in her room, songs, more stories, and then finally left her to rest.  Not 15 minutes later, the visits started--and it's always the same.

We can hear the click of her door handle as she's coming out of her room, followed by the sound of her footsteps above us.  Usually she goes to the balcony railing and then shouts to us, but sometimes just stands there (and startles on of us to death, especially if we're in our bedroom and come out to the landing to see her standing there!)

I had roasted a pumpkin and Eric and I tried a new recipe Carolyn sent us for pumpkin swirl brownies--i like to test my recipes before I make them for something like Thanksgiving, etc. so they were on the counter cooling.

From our bedroom, as Eric went to meet her for the "I don't know how many-th" time...I heard "I smell cookies, daddy!"  I snickered outloud at both her sentiment and knowing Eric had to be ready to burst.  He very calmly said "yes, you do honey, mommy made those for us to have tomorrow" and went about his business.

When he came back into our room, he said "did you hear that?" like I could miss it.  Unbelievable.  In the midst of ANY situation, she is able to take us out of the strain of the moment and make us both laugh, all the time.  We are so lucky.

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