Thursday, November 25, 2010

Raking leaves

One of the most fun times at mom and dads is the annual leaf raking.  I say annual, even though they have a LOT of leaves, mom tries to wait till they all fall off and get them all at once.  If we're lucky, we get a moderately warm, dry day or few days to get out and play in them and enjoy them.  They have a lot of maples, so big fluffy leaves are all the rage.

  At the new house, being relatively new, the trees we have are either ornamental, or small, or both--resulting in not many leaves for us.  Good news for Eric=no raking, bad news for Amara=no playing.

This year we had some nice early November weather, and Beanie and memaw and Grandpa (as he's now called) got to get out and enjoy.  She had her jeans and 'work coat' on just like they did--so she could play without boundaries, and no worries of getting dirty!

  She is SO much the helper--whether it's taking the rake herself (the BIG one) or directing where to build piles, she is in the thick of it.  Just as she thought her fun was over, though, she realized a new level to her fun--the wheelbarrow!

Grandpa 'got' to load up the wagon and then put Beanie on top for an extra-special, fluffy ride on the rocks!  She LOVED it, mom said...and the sweetest part was the next day, I guess she followed dad out to the barn and asked "you wanna play in the leaves with me?"  Priceless.  How could anyone resist that?

  I'm pretty sure this won't be the last wheelbarrow ride, or possibly even leaf ride for the year--better get those tires pumped up and ready Grandpa!  Thanks for the rides!

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